ICIP 2024 Tutorial 13: JPEG Trust, a framework for establishing trust in media

27th - 30th October 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Due to the success of technologies such as Generative AI and mobile phone cameras, recent years have seen the emergence of large-scale media content creation and consumption. While progress in this space opens up new opportunities, especially in creative industries, this also enables problematic issues in cyberspace, including cyber attacks, piracy, fake media distribution, and concerns about trust and privacy. Misuse of manipulated media evidently caused social unrest, spread rumours for political gain, or encouraged hate crimes in the recent past.

Media modifications are not always negative, as they are increasingly a normal and legal component of many production pipelines, and even new knowledge production. However, in many application domains, creators need or want to declare the type of modifications that were performed on the media asset. A lack of such declarations in these situations may reveal the lack of trustworthiness of media assets or worse, the intention to hide the existence of manipulations.

Such a need triggered an initiative by JPEG committee to standardize a way to annotate media assets (regardless of the intent) and securely link the assets and annotations together. This JPEG Trust standard (to be released in 2024) ensures interoperability between a wide range of applications dealing with media asset creation and modification, providing a set of standard mechanisms to describe and embed information about the creation and modification of media assets.

This tutorial aims to present an in-depth understanding of the upcoming JPEG Trust international standard, including a limited but core hands-on coding exercise on the implementation and several use case scenarios.


This tutorial will be delivered by Dr Deepayan Bhowmik, Newcastle University, UK, Prof Touradj Ebrahimi, EPFL, Switzerland and Prof Jaime Delgado, Barcelona Tech - UPC, Spain.

Deepayan Bhowmik is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Data Science and the Director of Business, Innovation and Skills, School of Computing, Newcastle University, United Kingdom. His research expertise includes fundamental image/signal processing, embedded imaging on heterogeneous hardware and related applications, e.g., media security, multimodal remote sensing for environmental monitoring, etc. Dr Bhowmik received his PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (image processing major) from the University of Sheffield, UK, in 2011. He received a prestigious Dorothy Hodgkin postgraduate award and multiple research grants from various UK research councils, EU, and industry. He is one of the key editors of the upcoming JPEG Trust standard.

Touradj Ebrahimi is a Professor at EPFL heading its Multimedia Signal Processing Group and the Convenor of JPEG standardization Committee. Prof. Ebrahimi has been the recipient of various distinctions and awards, such as the IEEE and Swiss national ASE award, the SNF-PROFILE grant for advanced researchers, Four ISO-Certificates for key contributions to MPEG-4 and JPEG 2000, and the best paper award of IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics. Prof. Ebrahimi has initiated more than two dozen National, European and International cooperation projects with leading companies and research institutes around the world. His research interests include still, moving, and 3D image processing and coding, visual information security (rights protection, watermarking, authentication, data integrity, steganography), new media, and human-computer interfaces (smart vision, brain-computer interface).

Jaime Delgado is a Professor at the Department of Computer Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC-BarcelonaTECH). He was the director, and founder in 1999, of the Distributed Multimedia Applications Group (DMAG) until being integrated into the IMP (Information Modeling and Processing) research group in 2018. He is a Principal Investigator in various national and European research projects in the areas of Privacy and Security, Health Information and Genomics, Metadata, Digital Rights Management, and Distributed Applications. Since 1989, he has been co-editor of international standards and co-chairs of groups in ISO/IEC, EWOS, ETSI, ITU-T, etc. He has been the chair of the WG on Security of the EFMI (European Federation of Medical Computing) since 2017, evaluator and reviewer of the European Commission in different research programs, and adviser to various Spanish ministries and regional governments.

Tutorial Outline

The session will start with an introduction, overview and motivation of multimedia security & trust, and their wider application in our digital world. The intended outcome of this session includes

  • Robust and resilient image and video content protection schemes conforming to coding standards, such as JPEG, JPEG2000, JPEG privacy & security & JPEG AI.
  • The landscape of media authenticity, including content authentication, deep fake and AI-generated image detection techniques.
  • This session will focus on the details of the JPEG Trust standard and its framework, establishing that a media asset consists of the media asset content, media asset metadata, and a Trust Record. The framework intends to ensure the media asset’s integrity, authenticity, provenance and privacy - thus establishing the basis for trust in the media. The topics will follow the details of this standard, which include 1) JPEG Trust framework, 2) Media asset life cycle annotations, 3) Embedding and referencing, 4) Identification of assets and actors, 5) authentication and integrity and 6) Privacy and Protection.

    This will be an interactive session where the participants will be engaged in a live coding session in which a tutorial leader implements some aspects of the standard, such as trust profile. The live coding will use a mix of pre-populated functions and GUI demonstrating the implementations of prototypical functionalities of the JPEG Trust standard.

    Our aim is to achieve an improvised learning outcome through this participant-centred, problem-based demonstration session. Participants will be at the heart of this session and will also get the opportunity to develop their understanding through peer learning and informal conversations with the presenters on various topics relevant to the JPEG Trust standard.

    This session will discuss various use cases identified over the last two years by the JPEG standard committee in discussion with several academics, industry partners and users. The session will broadly cover the following topics: 1) Misinformation and disinformation, 2) Forgery / Media forensics, 3) Media creation, & 4) Media modification.


    This tutorial is generously sponsored by Huawei Technology.