Special Session on Multimedia Signal Processing for Cyber-security and Privacy

In conjunction with 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2017).
August 23-25, London, United Kingdom

Special session motivation and description

With the recent emergence of new applications in multimedia data streaming, sharing and storage, the concepts, tools and systems for cyber-security, privacy, trust and forensics have become very important and a timely necessity in multimedia data consumption chains. Thus, there has been a strong interest in these topics within the research community. Although these are highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary topics, signal processing plays a major role in the fundamental development of these systems. This special session aims to bring together recent advances multimedia signal processing techniques for cybersecurity, forensics, privacy and trust. The session will cover a wider area of content domains, such as visual data, audio data, general multimedia, online signatures, unstructured data and networked sensor data. The featured papers will focus on the emerging security tools, such as, block chain technology, digital signing, face-based authentication as well as proven tools, e.g., watermarking and data hiding. The application domains will include privacy persevering authentications, online verification, data streaming, media transactions and sensor networks. The session will bring together these topics highlighted with the recent signal processing advances to disseminate the research from many nationally and internationally funded research projects and to promote the signal processing community working in cyber-security and trust.

Call for papers

Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality full papers representing original results in all areas of Multimedia Signal Processing for Cyber-security and Privacy. The list of topics of interest includes, but is not limited to:

  • Robust and resilient multimedia watermarking and data hiding
  • Advancements in signal decomposition and analysis in online space
  • Secure media sharing in social networks ensuring privacy and trust
  • Attention modelling for media forensics and security
  • Multimedia blockchain for future media consumption
  • Multimedia forensics (e.g., content-based retrieval, forgery detection, camera sensor characteristics modelling and analysis.)
  • Multimedia security in international standards


Deepayan Bhowmik, Dept of Computing, Sheffield Hallam University, UK (deepayan.bhowmik@shu.ac.uk)
Charith Abhayaratne, Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK (c.abhayaratne@sheffield.ac.uk)

Paper Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the Special Session at DSP 2017. Detailed formatting guidelines including page length and templates are available from main conference website: http://dsp2017.com/authors.html

To submit your papers for this special session please follow https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dsp2017 select Special Session: Multimedia Signal Processing for Cyber-security and Privacy under the section named Topics.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 14, 2017
Authors notification: June 28, 2017
Camera ready papers due: July 10, 2017
Conference dates: August 23-25, 2017
